Professional Society Creates a Winning Playbook

For its Members & the Future of Sports Medicine

The practice of orthopaedic medicine may seem to be a relatively new science to many but, in actuality, has been around since ancient times. Advances throughout the centuries, such as the x-ray, joint replacement technologies and diagnostic tools, have all contributed to its prominence and use in caring for our musculoskeletal system which is made up of muscles, bones, joints, ligaments, and tendons.

In it to Win it

Since in its inception in the early 1970’s, the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM) has been a driving force in the promotion, practice, and advancement of Orthopaedic sports medicine in the industry.

“The original concept of the AOSSM was to provide a scientific outlet for presentation and publication of new ideas, to provide an opportunity for physicians to meet and exchange ideas regarding research, clinical problems, proposals for future progress in sports medicine and a high-level publication controlled by the Society,” notes AOSSM CEO, Greg Dummer. “This vision has been integrated into every facet of the AOSSM today.”

Supporting the society’s mission, according to Dummer, include renowned professional journals, in-person and online educational programs, research initiatives, surgical videos, and emerging leader initiatives. Of particular significance is the society’s Traveling Fellowship Program, which offers a rich and rewarding experience: fostering an exchange of scientific information, stimulating research, and developing friendships among practitioners in North America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and Latin America.

Keeping you in the Game

With a focus on continuing education, one essential goal of the AOSSM is in helping to keep members in peak condition and well-prepared to treat patients of all ages and abilities – from youth sports to weekend warriors to college and professional athletes.

“Practitioner re-certification is required approximately every 10 years, so the educational programming available is a real benefit for our membership,” comments Dummer. “Courses are offered in person at seminars and through ELearning online, making it easy and convenient to keep up to date and at the top of their game.”

Dummer acknowledges that given the times certain challenges have arisen. “With the pandemic, adult learning is shifting, and the way people want to receive their education is undergoing a major shift. As a result, we need to constantly evolve and adapt to best serve our members from a continuing education perspective.”

In addition to educational initiatives, the society actively supports the development and promotion of cutting-edge research for the improvement of patient care and advocates for the industry to help shape trends, procedures, and legislation critical to current and future success.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

KRD has been teaming up with the AOSSM for more than two decades, helping the society grow and scale the business into what it is today. “It takes excellent services, paired with the intellectual knowledge of GAAP and the marketplace to strategically guide an organization forward. Times are very dynamic – and having a calm, well-integrated, partner with a diverse breadth of services is invaluable,” notes Dummer. “We’ve always considered our partnership with Mitch Knopoff, Joann Bellos, and KRD as substantive and a true extension of our own team. We are very close and in constant communication. They participate in our Board meetings and considered every bit a member of our team.”


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